Chinese Journal of Physiology


C. PAK anp B. E. READ


The M.L.D. of ephedrine, ephetonin and pseudoephedrine in rats by

subcutaneous injection

Ephedrine HCl Ephetonin HCl Pseudoephedrine HCl | | Dose | Rats | Rats Dose | Rats | Rats Dose Rats | Rats per kg | used died || perkg | used | died | perkg | used | died | | | mg mg | mg | 290 2 0 300 1 0 | 850 1 0 300 3 0 310 1 0 380 1 0 310 5 2 389 1 0 450-660 7 0 320 5 4 340 2 0 670 3 1 330 2 2 350 Zz 2 680 3 3 330 1 1 400 1 1 370 | 1 1 | | |

September 1928. 230 to 484 gm.

Temperature 23° to 25°C, 5 per cent solution, rats weighing

4. Frogs.—In table 6 is reported our results obtained with male frogs. We were able to secure more clear cut results by using the one sex, by purifying our alkaloids, and by taking care that the bladders of the animals were emptied before taking the weight.


The M.L.D. of ephedrine, ephetonin and pseudoephedrine in male frogs by injection into the anterior lymph sac

Ephedrine HCl Ephetonin HCl Pseudoephedrine HCl Dose | Frogs | Frogs Dose | Frogs | Frogs Dose Frogs | Frogs per kg | used died per kg | used died || perkg | used died mg mg mg 500 6 2 580 6 O- || 780 6 0 510 6 2 590 6 1 | 740 6 0 520 6 2 600 12 3 750 6 0 530 12 3 610 12 3 760 12 2 540 12 8 620 12 5 770 12 7 550 12 7 630 6 4 780 6 4 560 6 5 640 6 3 790 12 6 570 6 4 650 6 4 800 6 3 580 6 4 660 6 4 810 to 590 6 5 670 6 5 850 42 25 600 6 6 680 6 6 610 6 6 690 6 5 620 6 6 700 6 6

June 1928. Temperature 27.5° to 31°C,