Indian dancing


The Collaborators gratefully acknowledge their debt to the authors of the following works, which have been of great help as references for the present book:

spooks: The Mirror of Gesture, by Dr Ananda K. Coomaraswamy; The Dance of Civa, by Collum; Abbinayamkuram, by Gopinath and Nagabhusan; The Art of Kathakali, by G. A. C. Pandeya; The Art of the Hindu Dance, by Manjulika Badhuri and Santosh Chatterjee; Kathakali, by P. Krishna Nayar; Dance of India, by Projesh Banerji; Dance as an Art Form, by Lameri; The Music of India, by Atiya Begum Fyzee-Rahmin; Talking of Ballet, by Jasper Howlett; Ballet Traditional to Modern, by Serge Lifar; Dance We Must, by Ted Shawn; The Gesture Language of the Hindu Dance, by Lameti; Footnotes to the Ballet, by Caryl Brahms; Ballet Panorama, by Arnold L. Haskell.

ARTICLES: ‘The Kathak School of Indian Dancing’, by Janak Kumari Zulshi (The Hindustan Times, 15 March 1937); “Nataraja — the Divine Dancer’, by L. N. Gubil (The Bombay Chronicle Weekly, 16 February 1941); “The Dance of Shiva’, by S. Chandrasekhar (The Hindu, 18 December 1938); “Ardhanariswara-Natataja’, by C. R. Vidyanathan (Triveni); ‘Art and Society’, by Kamala Devi; and “The Festival of Classical Dancing’, by K. A. Chidambaram (The Bombay Chronicle Weekly, 14 Januaty 1945).

Evety effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright matetial and photographs used in this book. Should any material or photograph have been included inadvertently without the permission of the owner of the copyright, acknowledgment will be made in any future edition.