Indian dancing


Ram Gopal: a studio portrait Frontispiece page Ram Gopal dancing in the temple of Belur, Mysore State 33 Ram Gopal as King Klana in a Javanese dance 34 Ram Gopal as Aja, a young Rajput prince, in his ballet “The Rajput Serenade of Love’ 35 Ram Gopal in a sculpturesque dance pose 36 The yeena, oldest of stringed instruments, associated with Sarasvati, Goddess of Music and Learning 37 The mridangam (or drums), the flute, and the veena BT The nine rasas, or sentiments 38 Ram Gopal and a former pupil and partner performing a Bharata Natyam Dance 40 A fresco painting from the great Shiva temple at Tanjore 41 Ram Gopal as Krishna, the Blue God, playing the Divine Melody on his flute 41 Ram Gopal in the Cosmic Dance of Shiva, depicting creation 42 Ram Gopal and Shevanti in a Bharata Natyam thillana, reminiscent of the Ajanta frescoes 43 Ram Gopal as the Garuda, or Golden Eagle 43 As the Mayura, or Peacock 43 Ram Gopal as Shiva the Hunter 44 The most famous of the South Indian images of Shiva 45 An ancient temple bronze from Ceylon of Shiva in the lyrical Dance of the Setting Sun 45 Ram Gopal in his famous Cobra Dance 46 Traditional Kathakali characters in the elaborate make-up and fantastic costumes used in this sacred temple dance drama of Malabar 47 Head of Buddha, from Java 48 Ram Gopal in the Kathak dance, “The Rajput Serenade of Love’ 57 Ram Gopal and Shevanti in the lyrical Kathak Radha-Krishna duet 58 Kumudini, brilliant young Kathak dancer, displays the grace and beauty, in pose and costume, of this great dance style of Northern India 59 Aja, the Rajput Prince, asking his beautiful bride to remove her veils and reveal her face 60 The Great One, the Law Giver 61 Shevanti and Rajeshwar, pupils of Ram Gopal, as a peasant and his playmate in a Manipuri folk dance 62