Jugoslovenski Rotar

and delighted to hear it. Altought 1 did not know you personally, I have had opportunity enough to hear that you were an excellent Rotarian who had rendered distinguished services to our idealistic movement. Even President Hager, whilst he was visiting our district last September. mentioned to me your name and your prominent Rotarian career and work.

For this reason | and all Rotarians of our district are thankful] to President Hager for this happy choice and I am extremely delighted that I have to-day the great pleasure to greet you in our midst.

| esteem it a great privilege to have the opportunity to do so. We all appreciate your visit as a high distinction for our district. and we are proud of it. Scarcely ten years have passed since the first Rotary Clubs at Belgrade and at Zagreb have been established. and now we count in our district 34 clubs vith about 850 members. These numbers ave absolutely not imposing, but relatively they are giving satisfaction te the pioneers of our ideas, considering all difficulties in connection with the organisation of Rotary Clubs in our country with a prevailing agricultural population and with a small number of larger cities. From this point of view the progress of Rotary in our contry is in every respect satisfactory.

Before you took the resolution of visiting our district you have received without doubt from the Secretariat all informations about the organisation and the successes of Rotary in this country. I am convinced that this certificate and your report to president Hager cannot be unfavourable.

Without doubt you will find in our district everywhere the same spirit of friendship, acquaintance and good will as you had the opportunity to admire abroad. Our clubs are all well organized. their members are carefully selected. Rotary has taken very strong roots in our country.

I know the magnitude and the power of the ideas of Rotary throughout the world. These ideas must be our aims and our claims aiso, and these ideas must be our guide life-long, in spite of all dissensions and troubles we see about us. Experience teaches that every quarrel ends with a disillusion. For this reason | am convinced that goodness must win the victory over the badness and that the sky will not be cloudy all days. From this point of view | hope that you will have the best impressions and memoires from your visit in our country.


Po svršenom govoru guverner predaje bratu Thorwallu za uspomenu luksuzno vezanu publikaciju ..Monumenta artis Slovenicae’, koju је izdao élan Ljubljanskog kluba. profesor universiteta Dr. France Stele.

Zatim se guverner obratio bratu Blanchardu i ga pozdravio sledećim rečima:

Monsieur le professeur, cher Rotarien.

Cest avec un trés vif plaisir, que nous avons appris votre dési-

gration comme délégué officiel du comité consultatif central des districts frangais du R. |. pour une tournée en mission spéciale en Yougo-