RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

the fellovvship of the nations and nationalities and the consciousness of their common interests. In this context, television can and must become a powerful factor for bringing people closer together and mutual enrichment with material and intellectual values. This narrows the room for the activities of various anti-socialist and nationalist elements in inter-nationality relations. Thirdly: programme cooperation amongst Vugoslav TV centres must contain norms of conduct founded on the fact that the information system is a function of socio-economic and constitutional-pohtical system. It is not above and beyond them. The free self-management flow of mformation through Yugosla\ programmes should be two-way. It is contrary to this principle if information is one-sided, of a periferal nature ог non-objective especially if the subject matter is from the other republics and provinces. The uniform Yugoslav communication area is not a mere abstraction. On the contrary, it is formed by the increasmgly numerous independent factors mutually linked by the socialist self-management commitment of the messages and content wtuch it brines to the workers. It is, of course, essential to create better technical conditions for the linking of TV centres and the trammg ot personnel for multi-language programmes. The self-management linking of the radio-broadcasting system m Yugoslavia is also an extremely important factor in all-people’s defence and social self-protection. The Yugoslav self-management socialist system is also open on the international scene. Yugoslav TV programmes must therefore be open to everything which is humane, socialist and revolutionary in the cultures and civilisations of all the nations ot the world, in relations with foreign TV productions and especially m relations with the non-ahgned and developing countries. On the ot ег hand, Yugoslav programmes must be closed to all that is non-humane, non-socialist and non-revolutionary. MUHAMED NUHIĆ Editor-in-chief of TV Sarajevo Information programme HIERARCHV OF INFORMATION AS A FACTOR IN THE INTEGRATION OF THE VUGOSLAV COMMUNITV I The information hierarchy (considered withm one рарег or one programme) is conditioned by the system and position of free speech in a given system. There are therefore two mam factors which establish the information hierarchy: