RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

a) market b) political It is not necessary to demonstrate that they аге interwoven within £ system. One is, of course, always determining. When the political factor is the determining one there аге two essentially different reactions: a) political as administratively centralist and utilitarian; b) political as self-management. We are here interested in the pohtical basis for the creation of a conditional information Шегагсћу. That is, we аге interested in it from the point of view of the achievement of the equality and socialist self-management community of the nations and nationahties of Vugoslavia. Slobodan Budakov’s introduction contains the platform of the hierarchy of television information, It is not necessary to repeat it. In short, its essence lies in the policentricity of the political and information system. II F°ctors which have a direct effect on the information hierarchv are in глу opinion, as follows: a) the event itself, its current interest, breadth of interest which it covers ог which it could evoke, the space and time range of the message, the level of the supposed interaction between the message and the subject receiving it, the level of the ideological, political, sociai and personal identification of the message bearer and the one to whom it is directed; b) the form the event takes and those involved therein. Journalistic reporting differs from all other forms of reporting. In addition to the general rules, journalistic reporting also has some rules of its own. I have already mentioned some. We must, of course, adhere to these rules in order to assure the communicability of the message. These rules are not, however, absolute and unconditional. The conditions are given in the socio-political system - its ideological and political goals. This is the case everywhere and, therefore, aiso in Yugoslavia. In this connection, the information hierarchy within one TV information programme should express and encourage the following: a ) the overal interests of the working class, the nations and nationalities of self-management socialist Vugoslavia, that is the self-management socialist programme of the development, unity and inviolability of Yugoslav territory, the uniform socio-economic system, the uniform international policy etc. In the structure of the