RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

socio-political system there аге institutions which in themselves and by their very function symboUse the unity of these and other common interests. The activity of these institutions, happenings in them and in connection with them, play the most important role in the information order. These institutions аге, for example, the President of the Republic the Presidency of the RepubUc, the Central Committee Presidency of the LCY, the LCY Central Committee, The Assembly of Yugoslavia etc. Conferring upon the activities of these institutions the first place in the information hierarchy we, with the mformation, аге stressing, expressing and stimulating the consciousness the соћегепсу of everything defined in the LCY programme, the Constitution of Yugoslavia and in the constitutions of the sociahst repubUcs and autonomous provinces as united interest or unity of interests but also equahty and special interest. The polycentricity of the information system and its self-management democratic nature presuppose such an approach and at the same time provoke a more positive effect than could be provoked by апу imaginary monocentristic system. b) The information system of each Yugoslav sociahst repubhc and autonomous province is the expression of its identity, its equaUty with others, its self-management social make-up. This practically means that each part of this system, and television as a part, must first express its belonging to its own repubhc and province, to express the interest of the workers and the nations and nationalities of its repubhc and province, to foUow and assert this interest, that is everything which this interest expresses. Therefore, if there is no activity in the institutions mentioned under a), the first place in the information order goes to the activites of the corresponding institutions in the repubhc or province, that is to events and happenings in the repubUcs and provinces. This is how a given information medium identifies itself, this is how it is recognised. Self-management expressed interest and the position thereon ot every repubUc and province, every nation and nationaUty is not only particular to them. It goes beyond the Umits of the particular and becomes, at least in part - the interest of аИ. The information order founded on the principle that a given information media makes up first of аД an essential part of the political and information system ot the republic and province, does not mean the parcehsation of interests, the autarchicity of its existence and the separateness ot its expression. c) The interest of the workers and citizens, nations and nationahties of each republic and province is also contained in the interest of the workers, citizens, nations and nationalities of other repubhcs and provinces. Thence the justified interest in events and happemngs, m the trends and problems in each socialist republic and autonomous