RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

province. This refers first and foremost to the activity of the basic institutions of the system, to the method of their work, the approach to individual, particular and common problems and the positions which they take. In the information order these events take third place. Equal treatment of all republics and provinces is, of course, the hypothesis on which the information order must be realised. 111 This is a highly generalised description of the information hierarchy which ought to express the unity of interests of the working class, the workers and citizens, nations and nationalities of Yugoslavia, their equality and brotherhood, A more definite information hierarchy can be obtained if оп the basis of this description the hierarchy of institutions is taken into account both vertically and horizontally. All the above mentioned institutions of the Federation cannot in the order ot information always tane pride of place over the institutions in the republic and province. A session of the Presidency of a socialist repubhc will have priority over a session °f the Asse,bčy pf Yugoslavia unless the latter is discussing an exceptionally important social problem. The session of the Executive Council of a given repubhc ог province wiU not be given priority over a session of the LCY Central Committee of another socialist repubUc unless the former is examining an exceptionally important question, and so on. If we therefore want to achieve and encourage the equaUty and brotherhood of the workers, nations and nationaUties of Yugoslavia with the information order, that is with its Шегагсћу, if we wish to consoUdate the integrity of the Yugoslav self-management socialist community, we must have some basic principles. It would be useful ' tnterpret them but it would be extremely dangerous to seek to create a kind of pattem or Ust according to which events could automaticaUy be placed in order of importance. There аге many reasons why this cannot be done. 1. The information order is not estabUshed merely by its order. The duration of information, that is the space covered by some event is also a factor in this hierarchy. Then there is the way in which this event is reported; on television, in film, Uve, journalistically, by the newsreader etc. 2. From the point of view of the importance of the information шегагсћу for the development of equality and brotherhood, it is impossible to examine опЈу the system’s institutions, their activity or the activity in connection with them. Trends must also be taken into account whereby self-management socialism is reaUsed, that is the ohenomena created by these trends and the opposition which they imeet. These trends, regardless of their character, breadth of range