RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

and consequences, attract the attention of the public in the same way as the activities of the institutions in the same way as events in the classic sense. I he spirit of the Yugoslav system requires this, and the press, radio and television, adhering to the basis of the socio-pohtical system, asserts and stimulates this. Hereby, besides the basic criteria defmed by the system, supplementary different criteria аге also necessary, also known in part in the classic theory of mformation. IV Instead of drawing апу conclusions, I shall say only this: We, the Yugoslav society, аге faced with the constitution of our Yugoslav information theory in accordance with self-management sociahsm. The ±eoretical hypothesis of the information hierarchy is also contained therein. The constitution of this theory and the complete and creative elaboradon thereof will advance the reahsation of self-management sociahsm and brotherhood, particularly by the intermediary of information and by the relationship to the information hierarchy. The settlement of professional questions is, ! therefore, and will continue to be one of the hypotheses for the pohtical effectiveness of professional activity. However important this may be, however, it will never be able to be realised m the true manner without the firm and dear commitment of those responsible for the information and the programme, without a high levei oi ideological and pohtical maturity, without the constantly present and highly developed sense of responsibihty for the equality, brotherhood and integrity of the Yugoslav community. Opportunities such as this, therefore, and talks such as these аге essential and should be permanent. They must not remain theoretical from a professional or political point of view but rather analyse practice, asserting that which is in accordance with those commitments and pomt to examples in which hey аге not respected. SLAVKO NASTIĆ independent research worker for TV Sarajevo programmes and the viewing pubhc: Involved here is the unsolved problem of the selection of information, the priority of information. or, as comrade Nuhic said, the hierarchy of information both in inter-republican and inter-provincial communications and in, to put it this way, the j selection of information within these socio-pohtical commumties and.U' the relations vis-a-vis other socio-political commumties, municipalities. I have participated in a number of regional symposia on the provision of information in Bosnia and Herzegovma. A certain pressure is felt on television: »Let us арреаг on the screen, let us be