Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Labyrinth, at Crete, 233 Lacedemonians, dancing among, 164

Laconia, indecent dances in, 120 Lade, castration after battle of, 510 Lais, of Corinth, 16, 347

Lais of Hyccara, 347

Lafus, and Chrysippus, 134, 458,

463, 477 : Lamb, in symbolism, 415 Lamia of Athens, 345, 522;

temple dedicated to, 389; and Demetrius, 504

Lamiae, 59

“Lamp,” as hetaira-name, 409

Laomedon, gift from Zeus, 463

Lapithe, the, 227

Larichus (brother to Sappho), 172, 318

Latona, see Leto

Latrines, obscene inscriptions in, 516, 518

Laurel, for crown of victory, 109 ; festival of the, 119; Daphne changed to, 190, 248 ; superstition concerning, 367

Lezna, the hetaira, 405; temple dedicated to, 389

Lebadea, oracle at, 498

Leda, 229, 504

Lembion, the hetaira, 400

Lenza (festival), 111

Lenzum, the, 112

Lentils, stimulating effect of, 514

Leontis, the hetaira, 356

Lepreum, punishment of adultery in, 63

Lerna, 218

Lerne, mistress of Stratocles, 405

Lesbianism, 316, 327

Lesbos, 316, 327, 462

Lesché, 176

Leto, 127, 188, 366; inscription on sanctuary of, 3

Leucadia, the rock of, 319

Leucippe, 3093 f.

Leucippus (hermaphroditic god),

Dionysiac, mysteries at,


Leuctra, battle of, 444

Leukaspis, a favourite of Anacreon, 472

Library, in gymnasium, 92; of Alexandria, 485

Lice, 409 Linen, superstition concerning, 367

Liver, in superstition, 371 Lizard, erotic symbolism of, 193 f., 268

Lotis, and Priapus, 221

Love, on the stage, 150 ff.; sensual enjoyment of, 205; power of, 286; Greek idea of,

307, 434; remedies for, 308, 464, 522

Love-charms, 205, 364 ff., 372 ff., 513

Love-letters, 254, 293

Love-philtres, 364 f.

Lucanians, the, and hospitality, 176

Lucius, his transformation, 158 f.

Luna, see Selene

Lupanaria, see Brothel

Lute-players, 252

Luxury, love of a virtue, 9; of the ancients, 10 ff.

Lycabettus, Mt., boys’ at, 440

Lychnos, as hetaira-name, 409

Lycidas (in Theocritus), 475 f.

Lycus, the beautiful boy, 433, 469

Lydians, voluptuousness of, 11 ;


prudery, 97; custom of girls In, 31, 390

Lyric Poetry, erotic in (Classical Period), 242 ff. (Hellenistic Period), 256 ff. (Post-classical Period), 282; homosexuality in, 468 ff.

Lysias, erotic letters of, 254 Lysicles, marries Aspasia, 353 Lysimachus, 346

Lysiodia, 266

Macareus, incest of, 151, 517

Meander, 43, 467

Menads, 122

Magic, see Enchantment ; Incantations; Love-charms; Superstition ; Witchcraft

Magodia, 266

Maidservants, naked at banquets, 11, 98; as panders, 63

Make-up, see Artificial ments ; Cosmetics

Mallows, magical property of, 364


Mantinea, the Sacred Band at, 443 - . Mares, superstition concerning,


Marriage, 18 ff., 128 ; customs, 38 ff., 48 ff., (Babylonian) 389 f.; State endowment, 41; prohibited degrees, 516 ; comic poets on, 74; unequal, 38 f.; between old and young, 286; folly of second, 72; dissolution of, 69; a moral duty, 34, 68,
