Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


I52; warning against, 72; promoted by prostitution, 393; “on trial,” 68 Marseilles, see Massalia Maryandini, effeminacy the, 14 Massage, 99, 514 Massalia, and homosexuality, 13 ; wine forbidden to women, 168 Masochism, 503 Masturbation, 313 f. Match-makers, professional, 40 Meals, women at, 57 Meat-eating, promotes sensuality, 295 Medea, 72, 139, 150, 204, 205, 234, 258, 259, 364, 513 Medical treatises, 281 Megara, friend of Sappho, 319 Megara, Games at, 109, 460 Melampus, 218 Melanthius, punishment of, 510 Meles (Meletus), and Timagoras,


445 Melite, ordeal of, 305 f. Melitta, the hetaira, 379 Memnon, 210 Memorials to prostitutes, 401, 402 Men, dress of, 80 ; beauty contests for, 97 ; exclusion from festivals, 113, 123 Menelaus, 24, 25, 70 Menstruation, superstitions concerning, 366 f. Messalina, Empress, in a brothel,


Methymna, 218

Micturation, 14, 518, 519, 520; superstitions concerning, 366, 368

Milanion, and Atalanta, 208

““Miles Gloriosus,” 383

Miletus, wine forbidden to women at, 168; luxury of, 248, 315

Milk, superstitions concerning, 366, 368

Milky Way, origin of, 231

Miltiades, 175

Milto, the hetaira, 353

Mimiambi, 64, 274, 315

Mimus, 154, 267, 278, 297

Minos, 158; incest of, 157, 276; and Ganymede, 456

Minotaur, the, 158, 233, 504

Mirror, superstition concerning, 367

Mise, Descent of, 66

Misgolas of Collytus, 149, 440

Mixoscopy, 499

Mnasidica, friend of Sappho, 319

Modesty, 359 f.

Mole, as object of beauty, 433

Molossian dogs, 31, 74

Money, value of, 277, 333, 346, 381, 387, 402, 405, 438

Monogamy, first introduction in Athens, 69

Morality, meaning of to Greeks, 524

Moon, influence on marriage, 41, and on women, 214; see also Selene

Mothers, position of among the Greeks, 18; duties of, 57

Mouse, superstition concerning, 366

Mullus, superstition concerning the, 366

Munychia (festival), 119 Munychion (month), 119

Muses, the, 213, 214; statues of in gymnasia, 91, 131, 453n. ““Muse, the tenth,” 318

Music, at banquets, 1723 Dionysian origin of, 217; at farces, 266

Musical contests, 109

Mussels, an aphrodisiac, 513 Mycerinus, incest of, 247, 518 n. Myiscus, the favourite of Meleager, 480, 482

Mylitta, the Syrian Aphrodite, religious prostitution and, 389 Myrrha, incest of, 152

Myrtion, the hetaira, 376 Myrtle, sacred to Aphrodite, 207 ; in witchcraft, 374 Myrto, wife to Socrates, 69 Myste, 116

Mythology, on the stage, erotic motives of, 183 ff. ; pederasty, 449, 492 ff.

155 3

Nakedness, 80, 82, 86-102, 411, 419; effect on art, 96; feeling of shame at, 78, 88, 90; at worship, 99; Plato on, 94, 95, 162; Oriental repugnance to, ro8; of athletes, 88, 108, trainers, 93, boy and_ girl wrestlers, 87, dancers, 115, 162, 169, 460, and prostitutes, 332 f.; of serving-girls at banquets, 11, 98, 172

Names, carving of, 428 ; women’s given to men, 494

Nannion, the hetaira, 397, 409

Nanno, 243

Narcissus, 295 ; and Echo, 225

Narthex-stalk, as cane, 58