Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Naucratis, hetaire at, 403

Nausicaa, 23, 237

Nekrophilia, 248, 505

Nemean Games, the, 109

Neobule, 243, 469

Neoplatonism, 302

Neoptolemus, 236, 273

Nestor, 70, 443

Nettle-seed, an aphrodisiac, 513

Nicareta of Megara, the hetaira, AOR: :

Nicknames, of hetaire, 408 ff. ; of cinedi, 416, 494

Nicomachus, natural son of Aristotle, 398 Nightingale, Philomela trans-

formed to a, 230 Nikion, the hetaira, 409 Niko, the hetaira, 353, 354, 356 Ninus, and Semiramis, 279 Niobe, 444 Nireus, 419 Nisean nymphs, of, 234 Nossis, friend of Sappho, 319 Nut-tree, superstition concerning, 367 Nurses, Festival of, 121 Nymphs, 219 Nymphagogos, 45


Oaristys, 271 Obols, in witchcraft, 379

Obscene, the, 515; fascination of, 369

Occultism, B75 see also Superstition

Occupata, 336

Odatis, dream of, 395 f.

Odysseus, 166, 235, 273, 364; ashamed of his nakedness, 88 ; and the chamber-pot, 519; and Hermes, 130, 417, Melanthius, 510, Penelope, 22, 48, Polymela, 256

Cedipus, 134, 463, 517

CEnopion, 211

Oil, use of, 435; with olisboi, 317; before intercourse, 406

*“ Old maids,” 36

Olisboi, 274, 314 f., 317, 358

Olive-branch, for Olympic victor’s

crown, 105; for crown at the Pyanepsia, 117

Olympia, 177; Games at, 88, 92, 104

Olympiads, 103, 104 Omphale, 58, 233, 504; Pan and, 225; Aspasia ridiculed as, 352

Onanism, 313 and n.; see also Masturbation Onion, in witchcraft, 374; an

aphrodisiac, 513

““ Opportunity makers,” 64

Orators, and erotic, 253

Orchis, an aphrodisiac, 513

Orestes, 149, 478

Orgies, priestly, 215

Oriental influence, 88, 108, 125, 203, 208, 276, 375, 394, 510, 512

Orion, 210, 211

Orpheus, 240, 461 f., 464

Orphic literature, 240

Orphic Mysteries, 223

Orthaon (Centaur), 224

Oschophoria (festival), 117

Oxen, why employed for wedding carriages, 45

Pederasty, 281, 413-98, 524; derivation and definition, 413 ; its great antiquity, 449;

introduced by Laius, 134, 139 ; legislation against, 436; effect of foreign elements on, 256; among the Tyrrhenians, 11 ; on Olympus, 183; in Homer, 136, 449 ff.; in Plato, 412, 469 ; in comedy, 140 ff. Pzdophilia, ethics of, 440 ff. Pagis, as hetaira-name, 409 Paidomania, 413 Paint, see Cosmetics Palestra, 91, 92; at, 100 Palaipaphos, erotic mysteries at,

public baths


Pallas Athene, see Athene

Pammenes, 442

Pamphzus, vase-painter 500 B.C.), 317

Pan, 210, 224 ff.; and Hermaphroditos, 127 ; and Syrinx, 305

Panathenza, festival of, 97

Pander, see Pimp

Pandia, 210

Pandokeion, 177

Pandora, 27, 241

Panionius, procurer of boys, 497

Pannychis, 130

Pantarkes, 428

Panther, sacred to Dionysus, 219

Pantheus, Priapus identified with, 223

Pantomime, 154 f., 174, 278, 297 ; at Dionysiac rites, 121

Paphos, 123, 124, 207, parentage of, 502

(fl. oc.

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