The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


tion of Albion, which he then is recorded to have called after himself and his Trojan Briton followers ‘‘ Brit-ain ”’ or “‘ Land of the Brits,’ after dispossessing a still earlier colony of kindred Britons in Albion. All the more so is this pre-~RomanBritish tradition with its complete king-lists and chronicles probably genuine, as the Ancient Britons, properly so-called, are now found to have been accustomed to the use of writing from the earliest period of their first arrival in Albion or Britain. And the cherished old British tradition that Brutus-the-Trojan and his “ Britons” hailed from the Mediterranean coast of Asia Minor is in agreement with the fact that King Part-olon “the Briton ’’ actually records his native land as being also on the Mediterranean coast of Asia Minor. And this tradition is now confirmed by the discovery that many of the prehistoric gravings and inscriptions on the rocks and monoliths in Britain are of the Trojan type.

Fully to appreciate the historical significance of these long-undeciphered Phcenician and Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, and their associated evidence, it is necessary to have some general acquaintance with the results of my researches into the racial origin and previously unknown early history and world activities of the Pheenicians for a period of over two thousand years beyond that hitherto known to our historians. I, therefore, give in the introductory chapter a brief summary of the manner in which I was led to discover that the Phcenicians were Aryan in Race, Speech and Script, and were of vast antiquity, dating back from the testimony of their own still existing inscribed monuments to about 3100 B.c.

My new historial keys to the origin and “ prehistoric ” activities of the Phcenicians in early Europe disclose these virile ancestral pioneers of the Higher Civilization as no mere dead figures in a buried past, but instinct with life and human interests, adventurously exploring and exploiting the commercial possibilities of the various regions along the unknown seas of the Old World ; and indicating to us at the present day the paths which led to the propagation and progress of the Higher Civilization over the World.

Starting from the solid new ground of the positive, concrete, historical inscriptions, we are led by the clues thus gained to