The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


fresh clues which open up for us, as we proceed, new and unsuspected avenues of evidence, disclosing rich mines of untapped historical material, written and unwritten. These clues lead us from Britain back to the Phcenician and Hittite homeland of the Aryan Phcenician Britons in Syria, Pheenicia and Asia Minor of St. George of Cappadocia (and England), and there offer us the solutions to most of the long-outstanding problems in regard to the origin of the Ancient Britons and the source and meaning of our ancestral British folklore, national emblems and patron saints.

In this way we gain not only a fairly intimate knowledge of the personalities of the Early Aryan Phcenicians who, as the ancestral Britons and Scots, colonized and civilized Britain, and the historical reasons for their various waves of migration hither with wholesale transplantation of their cults, institutions and names on British soil. We gain at the same time a considerable new insight into the remoter origin and racial character of the pre-Briton, non-Aryan aborigines of the British Isles in the Stone Age and their relation to the Picts and Celts which unravels to a great extent the hopeless tangle in which the question of the aboriginal races in Britain has hitherto become involved.

In thus enlarging, not inconsiderably, the boundaries of Cho’s domain in Britain, we are led into several provinces not hitherto suspected of connection with Britain, though the relationship now becomes obvious. This wider outlook on the parent-land, as well as its colony in Britain and their intercommunications, reflects fresh light on both the Ancient Britons and on their parent Phcenicians. Amongst the great variety of historical effects thus elicited by this new light may be mentioned the following :

Archeologically are disclosed the racial character, original homeland and approximate dates of our ancestral erectors of the prehistoric Stone Circles in the British Isles with the motive of these monuments, also the erectors of the prehistoric stone cists and long barrow graves of the “ Late Stone Age.’’ The discovery of the key to the script of the prehistoric “ Cup-marks”’ engraved upon the rocks and monoliths unlocks the hitherto sealed messages of these prehistoric