The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Asterina, a little starfish

A group of echinoderms

A group of marine worms .

“ Measly ” pork, seoins white, parasitic worms :

Planaria . .

The life-cycle of the liver-fluke .

Tenia, a common tapeworm


Single. starfish arm ‘growing missing parts .

The marine worm—stage of multiplication ; e ;

The worm Syllis ramosa

A colony of Obelia

The Pennaria rebuilding polyps

Stinging capsules of a Ccelenterate .

Group of Ceelenterates :

Collared cells of a living sponge .

Surface of a leaf showing cells and stomata ,

Plant cells from a moss leaf :

Regenerationin Bryophyllumcalycinum

The buttercup flower

Pollen grains sprouting in a drop of water > ; :

The life-cycle of the fern

Sperms from a fern and a moss

A moss-plant, showing the slender spore-bearing generation

Fertilization in the higher plants

A Limax Ameba . :

Amoeba multiplies by fission

Chlamydomonas, half animal and half plant.

The germination of a | mould

The birth of a lichen

The graceful spore-cases mould .

The growth of a slime-mould

Three kinds of bacteria : :

Professor Scheuchzer’s ‘‘ damaged skeleton of a poor sinner drowned in the Deluge ” :

The time-scale of the record of the rocks : :

Stages in the evolution of the horse’s s hoof . :

Tooth evolution in horses . ‘

The modern horse recapitulates its own evolution ; : 3

The evolution of horses

A reconstruction of Ar chzopter yx

The extinct diving-bird, Hesperornis .

Steps in the evolution of ear-bones from jaw-bones (Ther omorph reptiles) .

A vegetable missing link, Lyginopteris

Structural plan of vertebrate forelimbs. : 5

The fore-limbs of flying vertebrates .






135 Six insect faces

136 Vestigial leg of a Greenland right

138 whale ‘ ; Vestigial hind- limb in vertebrates

139 A collection of vertebrate embryos .

140 Ancestral reminiscence in the feather-

I4I star’s life-history

142 A turbot recapitulates its symmetrical

143 past .

A Saint Bernard and a toy black and

145 tan terrier; extreme variation . The skull of a King Charles’ spaniel

145 and of a primitive, wolf-like papa

146 dog .

147 Two freely interbreeding species of

148 crows .

149 Some typical African mammals

151 Some primitive mammals from the

153 Australian area .

Someextinct South American mammals

155 Some characteristic animals from

150 South America

156 Howthe Marsupials colonized Australia.

159 Diprotodon, the extinct giant wombat The distribution of the only two exist-

160 ing kinds of tapir .

163 The present distribution of the ‘camel

164 family Amanat ebant two months of true age ~

165 Orang-outangs, young and old .

166 A comparison of hands

168 Skeleton of a full-grown male gorilla

169 The five kinds of man-like apes; as

adults, and as late embryos

173 The jaw of the Heidelberg Man

175 Pasteur’s experiment with yeast

178 How a complicated cell divides How a gemmule is formed in the

179 freshwater sponge :

180 The life-history of Copromonas .

183 Some different kinds of male gametes Flatworms regenerating 5 2 Grafting .

197 A plant Chimera The continuity of the generations

198 Diagram of how the chromosome out-

“fit is handed on . 03 Johannsen’s experiment with “beans o4 Beans: differences in average seedweight 205 Beans : “modifying conditions ,

208 Beans :: third-generation mutations .

211 The breeding behaviour of Four-

QI o’clocks (Mendel) . : : Inter-breeding of “ Waltzing” and

213 normal mouse :

214 Why no yellow mice breed true .

The Habsburg lip : 17 Diagram of activities of a chromosome-

218 pair


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