The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Chromosomes in the fruit- Bey Drosophila Chromosomes of various " species of Drosophila. :

The effect of inbreeding

Artificial control of development

Some monstrosities due to abnormal development :

The hand: moulding power of use .

Development in action; the seaurchin Why tadpoles turn into frogs

Fallacies of early microscopists ;

Genes that act on the rate of development Disarranging nuclei makes no difference to early development .

How human proportions change dur ing

growth :

Exaggerated local gro owth .

Four dev eloping frogs

Living backwards :

Determination of sex in an insect

How the proportion of the sexes changes with age

Size-classes of sperms

Sex-linked inheritance :

A pedigree of hemophilia—*‘ Bleeder’s s disease,” and method of transmission A Drosophila which no longer looks

like a fly

relations body (soma)

Distortion practised by African tribes : the women of the Sarajingi tribe

Distortion practised by African tribes : the women of the Mangbetu (north-eastern Belgian Congo)

The shaggy musk ox, one of the hairiest, and sand rat, the least hairy of land mammals

Variations, profitable and useless

How selection may gradually change a race

The wild pansy of Europe, Viola tricolor

Straight-line evolution in the sabretoothed cats

A diagram of stellar, geological, and human scales

The sizes of some ultra- -microscopic particles ; all magnified half-amillion diameters

How the outline of the continents would look (A) if the lands rose two hundred metres ; (B) if they sank two hundred metres

Some of the forms into which singlecelled life has evolved

Co-operation of cells


of germ-plasm and


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Improvements in the construction of the nervous system

Improvements in the constr uctional plan of animals .

The evolution of segmental limbs

The ascent of life

The life-history of a trilobite

A group of primitive echinoderms from the Paleozoic

An outline of fossil history

Jawless vertebrates from Paleozoic seas

Restorations of some Paleozoic fish

Reconstructions of the earliest known land-plants

Diagram of the evolution of seed and “flower

The mud- -hopper, Periophthalmus

Some Stegocephalians j

The probable distribution of land and sea in the Ice Age :

The evolution of land-vertebrates

Various reptiles which have returned to life in the sea

Two ways in which the flight of birds may have evolved : :

Various kinds of flying reptiles .

Dinosaurs from the Cretaceous .

The Stegosaurus, a vegetarian Dinosaur

Brontosaurus, one of the largest of the Dinosaurs .

The evolution of the placental | mammals during the Cenozoic period

The biggest land-mammal. ‘

Evolution of vertebrate reproduction .

The complications of chewing the cud; a calf’s stomach .

The evolution of man and his upright posture :

Time diagram of the Ice Age and time since its end .

Adaptation to different kinds of diet .

A diagram of the zones of the sea

A submarine animal forest

Some free-swimming larvee of the sea’s surface zone ‘

Adaptations to a floating life :

Parallel evolution towards the bellshape in creatures of the open seas

Deep-sea creatures :

Luminosity in the deep sea

“Telescope eyes ” and other adaptations for seeing in dim light

Life on the muddy floor of the gece sea . :

Adaptation to life in ‘sand .

Fresh-water carnivores

The fresh-water profile

Pond-life at the surface-film

The sizes of organisms—the biggest living things ; : ;



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