The Vedic fathers of geology

Tue Vepic Discoveries 1x Gronoty. 3

appearance by means of proof afforded by the organic remains found in the stratified deposits, “to determine the sequence and meaning of the various geological formations, ” and to note the past mutations of sea and land.

Dr. James D. Dana, an American geologist, writes in respect of Geology, as follows :“ Geclogy .... (1) treats of the Earth’s strueture and its system of development,—.... its progress in rocks, lands, seas, and mountains, &९.; ( 2 ) its progress in all physical conditions, as heat, moisture, &c.; ( 8 ) its progress in life, or its vegetable and animal tribes.” He moreover says, “ Geology is sometimes defined as the science of the structure of the earth. But the ideas of structure and origin of structure are inseparably connected, and in all geological investigations they go together.... The science, therefore, is a historical science. ” ( Manual of Geology. 1863 pp. 2-4).

To sum up. Geology embraces (1) a general survey of the Harth’s surface-features, (2) a description of the rock—materials of the globe, (3 ) an account of the rocks in the order of their formation, including palontolory and gradual progress in life or evolution in vitality, and (4) a statement of the agencies that brought about geological changes,

In the light of these facts, therefore, there appear strong grounds to maintain, that our