The Vedic fathers of geology

4 Tar Vepic FArsers oF GEOLOGY.

Vedic Fathers had knowledge of Geology, as in, the Vedic works, traces of the description of ithe Earth’s structure and its origin, its vital gradation and progress, the commencement of life on Earth, the order of appearance and eyolution of the several life-types, have been observed every now and then, and they seem to give an aecount,—erude and imperfect though it be, according to the knowledge that our Vedic amcestors then possessed,—of the agencies that produced the changes. Thus, the Vedic trend of thought, I need hardly say, reveals all these things in their true colour, and the same will be seen from the treatment of the subject in the following pages.

Tt seems from the priceless treasure ot Vedic Literature, that our ancient Forefathers had incipient and yet scientific ideas in respect of the first Geological formations, and that they had certainly made crude but correct beginnings, in the investigations of the science.

Probably, the first attempts having been crowned with success, & fresh stimulus was afforded to wider researches in the field, which, in time, having secured a greater share of the legitimate fruits thereof, marvellous results were oradually achieved, even in those so-called prehistoric times.

L admit, that in the important branch of the Science like Geology, no work, nor any trea=