The Vedic fathers of geology

Tom Vepic Discoveries IN GEoLocy. 15

prising, asit shows the gradual evolution and vital gradation, with marvellous fertility of mind and astounding correctness of an expert. For, while describing the creation, as also the gradual evolution of Cosmos and the Earth, its cause and effect, the Rishis of the Upantshad-period say, that from the all-pervading Soul was produced the sky or the endless expanse of space, which in turn had produced the wind, the latter the fire, this the waters, these again the Earth, which (after it had cooled down ) had given rise to vitality or vegetation, and the vital gradation having made its beginnings from simple herbs, plants, or weeds, had evolved more complex forms, ending in the crowning piece of creation, viz. the Man. (T. U. i. 1 ) तस्सादाच्सन आकाशः संभूतः । आकाड्ाद्रायुः । वायोaa: | अच्रेरापः। अदभ्यः परथिवी । प्रिथिव्या ओषधयः । ओषधीभ्योऽन्नम्‌ । अद्धाच्छुरुषः 1 (तेत्तिरीयोपनिषद. २-१). Now, this description may, in brief, be said to be the geological evolution of Cosmos from the infinite space ( sT#Tat: ), which having giver rise to atmosphere ( ST#TRITara: t ), the violent currents of wind produced fire ( are: 1). This remained in a state of igneous fusion, until part of the heat having been diffused into the suvrounding space, refrigeration proceeded in course of time, which having caused the aqueous vapour