The Vedic fathers of geology

Tia: Vevic Discoveries mx Geotocy. 19

the oldest? decument in the world, and which claims civilization the most ancient. - Here, then, reading between the lines the Taittiriya Brahmana, (ante p 14), we find it indicated by Vedic Rishis of the hoary past, that the Earth, having been at firstin acloudy, vapoury, or gaseous state ( of igneous fusion ), was reduced to the molten condition of water, and that it ( the Earth ) having been thus in a liquid condition, and found trembling or rolling like water ( gaat =Tzarat ), and the mountains also moving to

i In respect of this, Mr. B. G. Tilak says, “ The Vedas themselves......... admittedly form the oldest records of the Aryan race.’ (The Arctic Home in the Vedas. p 5 ).

Professor Weber writes, ‘We are fully justified in regarding the Literature of India as the most ancient literature, of which written records on an extensive scale have been handed down to us.” ( History of Indian Titerature. 1882. p. 5)

In the same way, Professor Max—Muller contends declares the Rig-Veda and the other Vedas to be

the “most ancient literary documents.” p. 116. ( What can India teachus? Hd, 1883 ).

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He also observes 112, “८ ¶116 ए 6८ 106४8 ४6 ए mitive, the Vedic language is primitive, the Vedic religion is primitive, and taken as a whole, more priraitive than anything else, that we are ever likely to recover in the whole history of our race.” 9. 124. ( What can India teach us ? Edition 1883 ).