The Vedic fathers of geology

20 Tae Vepic Fatunrs or Grorocy,

and fro like waves, (having evidently heen in a molten state wary” प्रकपिताच्र्‌ ), [7001 made प्लत कप (स प्राचीनान्पर्वतानषहत्‌ । 1६. ए. 77. 16

Thus, we find that he made the Farth solid ( gfreftagea ), and the mountains firm ( पर्वतानरम्णात्‌ ). "16 verses from the NRig-Veda being very important, I give them here below, tor ready reference :—

यः ( इदः ) ofa व्यथसानाम्हंहत्‌

यः पर्व॑तान्पङपितानरभ्णात्‌ ॥ @ > 12)

स प्राचीनान्पर्वेतानर्हहव्‌., ,..

ओजसा ऽधराचीनमकरोदपामपः॥ (1८ ४.1. 17.85)

This may be freely rendered into English as follows :—“ Indra made the Earth solid that was trembling ( having been at first in a molten state or condition of watery vapour ). He also inade the mountains firm that were rolling. ” (1) 7 made the waters How from the vapoury clouds, thus reducing by his might the gaseous state of Farth to the molten condition, and rendered the mountains firm. ” (i. V. IL. 17. 5). In fact, the verses when read along with T. Br. I, 2. 9. 1; 1.1. 3. 5014, mean, aithouch not distinctly expressed in so many words, that the Earth was at first in a gaseous state of igneous fusion; that subsequently, part of the heat thereof hayine been ciftused in the surrounding space, refrigeration had gradually proceeded ; that this naturally