The Vedic fathers of geology

22 Tse Vepic Fatsers or Gronocy.

manifest from unmanifested nothing ( असनः wesitad!). Live below the original in extenso, with the translation as rendered into English by Griffith. य ओषधीः पूर्वां जाता द्वेन्यश्ेयुगे पुरा । ( (ध-४९त६. इ. 97. 1). qalal Fey ST saa: weaTaa Ut ( Rig-Veda. X. 72. 2). “Herbs that sprang up in time of old, three ages earlier than the Gods.” ( Rig—Veda. X 9721): ~ Existence, in an earlier age of Gods, froma. non-existence sprang.” ( Rig-Veda. X.72. 2 )


This certainly very favourably compares with the keen investigations of the modern and reputed geologists of the West, as they affirm that yitality had first commenced with the herbs(the Alow, or sea-weeds )—in the Primary’ or Palxozoic Epoch, followed next by the Secondary or Mesozoic Period or the Age of Reptiles, the latter having in turn been succeeded by the Tertiary Era, thatis, Cainozoie or the Age of Mammals and of Man, of which, however, I shall give details in Chapter IV.

1 Judd says that, “ the use of the term Primary is now almost entirely abandoned.” (The Student’s Lyell. p. 127. Ed. 1896). Lyell, however, has used it. Vide ante p. 21, Foot-note.