The Vedic fathers of geology

Tur Vepic Discovertes in Grorogy. 23

Now, it might perhaps be argued, that the vavious theories propounded by the Vedic and Furanic Indians, either in the Purinas and the Msha Bharata, the Upanishads and the RigVeda, were advanced not with reference to Geo< logy, but for the sole purpose of Cosmology. Axd to this, a curt reply might with advantage be given, that whatever the purpose, if the results achieved are in the main correct, eyen troin the scientific point of view, the researches mace by our hoary ancestors, in the dim and distant past, must needs be appreciated. But, apart from this, we have distinct evidence to snow, that the Vedic Rishis had wide acquaintence with Geology, and that they had made these statements especially with reference to ge0logical formations and geological facts. - This, Lowever, requires a separate treatment. We shall, therefore, discuss it in the fourth chapter, while investigating the progress of the West in the science, and comparing it with our Vedic Tesearches in the past, in this very intercsting subject of Geolo

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In the cizeumstances, and having had due regard to the great antiquity of the Vedas from the geological point of view, of which I shall cudeavour to give some idea to the reader, in the ensuing chapter, the above exposition made by the Vedic Rishis, of the first geological for-