The Vedic fathers of geology

38 Tar Vepic ^ तपरा or GxroLoey.

fidian mind, that the region lying between the two divine rivers, iz. the Sarasvati and the Drishadvat!, was the scene of creation, as it was the tract fashtoned by God. Ta fact, in MahdBharata, it has been called Brahmévarta ( केवtad tat wars gaa) ae भा० १४-२१०-४४ ). Now, the expression god-created region, or the tract fashioned by God, appears to have hada very great significance, and it emphatically presents to us the deep-rooted traditions of Our Aryan Cradle having been" in Brahmivarta, and as such in Aryavarta alone, and nowhere else. There is another verse, in the Mah&- Bharata, which is also very interesting. Vor, this says that, “ the region has its own hoary traditions and customary usages” ( यस्मिदेशे य आचारः पारपर्यकमागतः । ), handed down from age to age and transmitted from generation to generation, which, therefore has been supposed 10 be the only pure usage ( @ ara उच्यते । Maha-Bharata. XTV. 110, 45 ). But, above all, there is yet a third verse, and this is certainly preoenant with meaning, inasmuch as 1४ declares that Brahmarshi- Des ha, or for the matter of that Aryayarta, is a moael region oF discipline and order, and that “ froma Brabman born ‘in that region, all men on earth ( एःथेव्यां स ऽसानवाः । ) should receive their lessons in their respective duties and responsibilities. ** &