The Vedic fathers of geology

44 Tae Viepic Fataers Or GEoLoGy.

Indo-A’ryan Gods. In -view, therefore, of bringing conviction home to the reader, I venture to give a few extracts from the works of some of them. Says Muir, “ Indra is an exclusively Indian God.” ( Original Sanskrit Texts. vol. V.p. 119. Hid. 1870 ). Professor Roth, in his Lexicon, remarks under Indra that, “ He was the favourite national deity of the A‘ryan Indians in the Vedic age.” Spiegel speaks about Indra as “ the highest God of the earliest Hinduism. ” (Introduction. Avesta ), While Mr. Tilak says that, “the word Indra does not occur in Huropean Aryan languages” ( The Arctic Home inthe Vedas. p. 295), meaning thereby that eyen the word is not known in

when with us, Soma and Indra. Subsequent to the schism, and after they left Aryavarta, they settled in Iran. But, even then, they could not divest themselves of the primitive legends and mytholosies they had imbibed and inherited from us, while living in Aryivarta, the land of their origin. Naturally, therefore, we find Soma transformed into Homa, and VritraAa, which is an epithet of Indra, metamorphosed into Verethrajao,in Zend, Thus, we obserye Dr. Windischmann remarking as follows, in his Dissertation ५५ 0 the Soma-worship of the A’ryans.” ...... <But, by jar the most remarkable analogy is that which e between the Haoma of the Zendavesta and the Soma of the most ancient Brahmanical books,”...... “Cverethrajao, “end, —wriirah’s Sanskrit (R. V. I. 91. 21), destrover of enemies ”,