The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps



Minor and Syrio-Phcenicia also called themselves “ Av7i ”’ with the meaning of ‘‘ Noble Ones.” Now this was the identical racial title which was also applied to themselves by the Indo-Aryans or Eastern branch of the Aryans, who called themselves ‘‘ Arya,” the “ Aviya”’ of the older Pali, which had also the literal meaning of “‘ Noble,” and which is the actual word from which our modern English term “ Aryan’ has been coined. And these ancient Khatti or “ Hittites ’ are represented in their ancient sculptures in Gothic dress. Here then already I seemed to have found not only the origin of the Indo-Aryans, but also the original land of the Aryan Race, and the homeland of the Goths and of our own ancestral Britons and Anglo-Saxons. And further examination soon confirmed this.

Fic. 3. “ Catti’’ Briton Coins of pre-Roman Britain of about second century B.C. with Sun symbols. (After Poste.)

Note the Crosses around Sun-horse, and in second coin contraction of title into “ATT.” The “ El” between the face and back of coin =Electrum alloy of gold of which coin consists, and A = Aurum or Gold.

The civilization of this dvr: (or Aryan) race of Khatti or “‘ Catti’’ was essentially of the kind which is now called the Aryan type, and of the same type as that introduced into India by the Eastern branch of the Aryas or Aryans. In appearance also these Khatti, who were called “‘ The White Syrians”’ by Strabo, are seen in their own rocksculptures and sculptured monuments of between 3000 and and 2000 B.c., to be of the Aryan type. They are tall in stature, with conical ‘‘ Phrygian” caps and snow boots with turned-up toes, and garbed significantly in what is now commonly called the ‘“‘ Gothic’’ style of dress (see Fig. 4), for the reason, as we shall see later, that they were the primitive Goths, and the Goths were typically Aryan in race

£S. 542, 12.3.6; 551-4.