Nova Evropa

своју најбољу збирку Могћ ог Возтоп. Карл Сандбург, B. Линдвеј, Е.- Ли Мастерс, три најснажнија и најоригиналнија америчка, нова. лиричара, поред Фроста, предају се свом душом том револуцијонарном расположењу што је освојило атмосферу, н тек тада добијају свој прави израз н дају своја дела од вредности. Езра. Паунд је још понајревноснији интерпретатор и следбеник француског симболизма. Ево једне његове песме, ив које се може тако лепо да. види како утиче нов француски стил на. нов енглеско-амерички.

Villanelle: The Psychological Hour,

1. I had over-prepared tihe event that much was ominous, With middle-aging care - TI had laid out just the right books, I almost turned down the right pages,

Belauty zs 50 гаге a thin... So few drink of my fountain.

So much barren regret!

So many hours wasted! And now I watch from the window rain, wanderinf busses,

Their little cosmos is shaken —d the air is alive with that fact, In iheir parts of the city they are played on diverse lorces;

I had over-prepared the event, Beauty is so rare a thingB.... So few drink at my fountaim

Two friends: a breath of the forest... Friends? Are people less friends

because one has just, at last, found them? Twice they promised to come,

»Between the night and morninsS?«

Beauty would drink ol my шала. Youth would awhile forget

j ту уошћћ 15 бопе from me, Youth would hear speech of beauty.

{»Speak upl You have danced so stifly? Someone admired your works,

And said so frankly.

»Did you talk like a fool,

The first night? ~

The second evening?«


»But they promised again: „Tomorrow at tea-time"«}
