Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



В Ялте были подтверждены решения о сферах влияния, принятые в октмбра 1944 г., представляющие и в наши дни один из самых спорных вопросов, связанных с Ялтой. В сопротивлении против решений, принятых в Ялте по данным вопросам, автор усматривает корни политики неприсоединения. Решительная позиция Югославии в впоросе строительства собственной общественно-экономической системы, отвечающей потребностям своего народа, вне сомнения является подтверждением этому. И корни независимой политики Фракции автор обнаруживает в тех же днях. Временное французское правительство, узнав о встрече Великой тройки, уведомило 16 января 1945 года правительство США, что оно не считает себя связанным ни с одним из решений, принятым без его участия. SUMMARY Thirty years after Yalta Conference The author describes the events and circumstances which preceded the conference in Yalta, Crimea, in February 1945, pointing out that it represented an unsuccessful attempt to solve the first serious misunderstandings among the Allies by adopting the compromise solutions and establishing such world system where the war coalition of the Great Powers would play a predominant role. The Y r alta Conference has legalized the hierarchical structure of the international community, characteristical for the XIX century, through the privileged position of the Great Powers in the Security Council, manifested through the voting system and veto right. In connection with that, the author thoroughly analyses the antagonistic attitudes of Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill and the road that led to the final adoption of the »Yalta Formula«. This attitude represents, in the author’s opinion, a retreat from the democratic principles proclaimed during the war, but does not entirely deny the significance of the Conference. Preconditions for the creation of the Organization of United Nations in the critical point of the history were realized at the Yalta Conference, regardless of all the weaknesses. If any delay had taken place, the establishment of the UN would probably not had happened, having in mind the stining of relations which occured after the Postdam Conference and at the begining of 1946, after the Churchill’s speech in Fulton. As far as the veto right is concerned, the author considers that it had a devastating effect upon the United Nations, although it had also, in the postwar conditions, neutralized to a certain extent the power of the opposite side and imposition of the one-sided solutions. The decisions on the spheres of influence, that were made in October 1944 and confirmed in Yalta, have represented up to the present moment one of the most. controversial questions in connection with the Yalta Conference. The author finds the roots of the non-alignment policy in the resistance to the solutions of the Yalta Conference on these questions. The decisive attitude of Yugoslavia to biuld its social and economic system according to the needs of its nations is certainly the confirmation of that fact. The author is also looking fer these days to discover even the roots of the independent policy of France. The provisional French government, having learned about the meeting of the Great Three, informed the government of the USA on January 16, 1945, that in would not consider itself bound by any decision made without its participation.