Jugoslovenski Rotar

I, as Governor of the soth district, want to express in the name of all the Rotarians of Holland our great sympathy with this terrible loss for your nation, and I hope you will be so good to convey our deep felt condolences to our Yugoslavian brothers. With very cordial greetings sincerely yours

W. de Cock Buning.“

»Gent (Belgique), 18. X. 1934.

Sympathiques condoléances pour la perte dramatique de votre Roi vénéré

Vandenhaute, Gouverneur 61. District.“

»Cesky Tesin (Ceskoslovensko), 10. X. 1934.

jhlubsi soustrast Nejhlub Guverner Zaba.“

„Koln (Deutsches Reich), den is. Okt. 1934.

Sehr verehrter Governor,

Im Namen des gesamten 73. Distrikts mochte ich Ihnen, lieber Governor Krejéi, und den Rotary Klubs Thres Distrikts unsere allerherzlichste Anteilnahme aussprechen zu dem tragischen Verlust, den Thr Land durch den Tod seines edlen K6nigs erlitten hat.

Solche Verbrechen, wie dasjenige von Marseille, beweisen, dass Hass und Fanatismus in einem viel grésseren Masse noch auf der Welt verbreitet sind, als wir es im allgemeinen wissen, und je grdésser diese Schwierigkeiten sind, desto grésser ist die Verpflichtung fiir Rotary im Sinne des 6. Zieles im Dienst von international service zu arbeiten. Wir wiirden uns freuen, wenn wir auf diesem Gebiet uns in gemeinsamer .Arbeit begegnen kénnten.

Mit dem nochmaligen Ausdruck unserer aufrichtigen Anteilnahme, verbleibe ich mit freundlichen Rotarygriissen Ihr sehr ergebener

Robert Biirgers, Goyernor des 73. Distriktes.“

» Stockholm (Sverige), the roth of Oct. 1934.

Dear Governor,

With all my heart I want to bring to you and to the Jugoslavian Rotary District my own and the Swedish Rotary Districts hearty and sincere participation in the deeply tragic loss, that you and your country have suffered by the death of your noble and illustrious King Alexander. Sincerely Yours

Kurt Belfrage.“


„Budapest (Magyarérszag), October 13h 1934.

Dear Governor Krejci!

On behalf of the Hungarian Rotarians I wish to express our sincere sympathy to you and to every Rotarian friend in the 77th District. We are horrified by the crime that took the life of a great, brave and good King, who lived up to our motto ,,Service above self“ to the last minute of his life.

God shall give that this tragedy that made every good feeling man shudder from such degree of fanatism, shall teach the civilized world to fight against hatred and fanatism which express themselves in destruction. May God give that those feelings which lead the responsible leaders af the nations, shall be always: honest good will to understand each other and mutual help and cooperation to build up a peacefull better future for those coming after us. Only sincere love of mankind can bring a better future and we as Rotarians must do our best to develop these feelings not only in ourselves but in everyone who comes into contact with us.

This very tragic occasion prompts me to reach out my hand towards yours. I am convinced that as you or myself never would raise a hand against one another, the same can be said about every single Rotarian of your district and of our provisional district. We have to do our very best that the same could be said about every country and every single man by saturating our fellow-men with the ideals of Rotary. Very sincerely yours

Prof. Joseph Imre M. D.“

„Ресву (Ceskoslovensko), ro. fijna 1934.

Vazeny guvernére!

Prosim, abyste pfijal a bratrskym klubim Vašeho distriktu tlumoćil takć moji upfrimnou soustrast nad tragickou smrti Vašeho znamenitćho krale Jeho Veličenstva Alexandra. Ztr4ta muže tak vyznačnych kvalit a schopnosti statnickych, Jakymi se vyznačoval Vaš zvččnčly, nenaročny, a vysoce sympa-– ticky kral, nedotyk4 se bolestnč pouze Vas samotnych, nybrž dotyk4 se stejnč tézce i nas Сесћочоуаки a všech Slovani vibec. Truchlime tudiž nad nim spolu s Vami, ргокИ пате vrazedné ruce, jez toto zlo zptsobily i род! оџ mys! nepfatel, ktera vrazdu zosnovala. So-