Nova Evropa

сник паланке, и скромних румених паланчанки у енглеском »соџпtry зђује«-у. Или зар, најзад, ово не потсећа толико много и на. нешто нашег — :

The Cupboard,

Mother, V\/hats in that cupboard, Mary? Mary. V\Vhich cupboard, moiher dear? Mother, Тће сирђоата ој red mahogany \WWith handles shining clear, Mary. That cupboard, dearest mother, VWith shining crystal handles? There's nought inside but rugs and јад And yellow tallow candles.

Mother, VWhats in that cupboard, Mary? Mary. VAhich cupboard, mother mine? Mother, i That cupboard stands in your sunny chamber, The silver corners shine, . Mary. There's nothing there inside, mother, But wool and thread and flax, And bits of faded silk and velvet, And candles of white wax.

Mother, \/hats in that cupboard, Mary? And ihis time tell me true. Mary. \hite clothes for an unborn baby, mother, But what's the truth to you?

Škrinja, Mati, Šta ima u toj škrinji, Meri? Meri. U kakvoj škrinji, draga mati? Па Ма |. | U škrinji od crvenog tog drveta, Sa glatkim sjajnim ručicama.